ADD THERMAL GENERATORS (Addition-thermocouple-voltage) - Decentralized current supply for each household The new thermal generator generation is pollution free, compact and efficient. Status of information: 2007.07.05. The Thermovoltaic is the sphere of activity of physics, which is concerned with the transformation of heat energy into electricity. If two different metals or alloys are together contacted and heated up, a low electrical tension develops. A thermal current generator with integrated high current inverter pa- tent DE 43 13 827 A1, consists of several laminar contacted metal layers in row on suitable carriers of thermoelectric neutral materials, which serve as conductor. A new ADD-thermoelectric generator is consisting of a metal block of a multiplicity of thermal cells. A thermal cell consists of three thin film layers of different materials (RZ5130), two form a flat thermocouple, the third a flat electric recti- fier. If warmth is supplied to a thermopile, a negative irreversible charge forms as electron excess, the to- tal tension of a thermopile is the sum of all individual thermal cells, comparably also in row switched batteries by the addition of the individual thermal cell tension. An attached consumer in the electric circuit is generally cooler, thus is fulfilled the Seebeck effect and power output results from the won current value related to the cell area size (A/mm ²) and the supplied temperature [Q]. The only working power in a thermoelectric closed system generator/consumer is the portion of the atoms, which released electrons by the supply of warmth and thus have a positive charge. The holes in the outside electron shells of the atoms, developed in such a way, have a working suction strength by the kinetic energy of the protons in the atomic nucleus. The suction strength inclines to neutrali- sation and keeps upright the electron current flow with potential energy. The maximally possible efficiency comes off only if the portion of the positive charges is same or higher than that of the negative charge carriers of the freed electrons. In the laminar contact zone between the melted different thermoelectric materials of a thermal cell a different charge carrier den- sity develops, their values are material constants and in the overall system proportional to the sup- plied heat energy. The mass of the subject hides an enormous resting energy quantity of E = m Would one bring this mass of zero on maximally possible speed, thus to speed of light, equal Einstein’s well-known for- mula E = mc² and as practical proof E = mc³ * 8 with spherical expansion strength as a manifes- tation of mass. Here the electron portion of the opposite pole with smaller negative potential works as loss of ener- gy: Consumer output-plus tension minus plus tension at the opposite pole related to the total inter- nal resistance of the system. However the positive charges have a attractively working power, which works by the protons in the atomic nucleus on the free electrons as inactive negative charge carriers. The difference of potential between charge carriers in the momentary condition is the measurable electrical tension. The temperature is a measure for the effectiveness of a thermoelectric system and the stored a- mount of heat in a thermally closed generator housing is extremely economical, related to the fuel consumption, only the amount of heat must be adjusted some thermally outward well isolated hou- sing delivers to the environment. In the case of short-circuit the current flow achieves the highest possible value at the given temperature and is a measure for the quality of the thermal cell types. The additive method results in an efficiency of 48% according to Carnot cycle. A thermal cell va- riant is laid on with one of the newest RZ2843 alloys, which exhibits electric rectifier characteristics with parameters within milli-volt range, then develops an only two-layered thermal cell, the manu- facturing of thermopile blocks, thereby becomes still more economical. New-developed carbon nano-tubes (CNT) materials work as flat electric rectifiers and attain thereby a current conductivity with physical characteristics, which are almost predestined for the employ- ment in the Thermovoltaic and let hope for far higher generator power in future. An example of the manufacturing of a thermal cell: A Konstantan sheel metal galvanized on one side with copper results in a flat thermocouple, after- wards on a side coated with nano-carbon semiconductor, a thermal cell develops. The quality of the nano-carbon semiconductor coating and processing is decisive for the efficiency. By the compact design of ADD thermal generators the applications are various from cardiac pace- maker to megawatt power stations as well as current supply in air and space travel. The heat energy supply is possible with all kinds of fuel. By force heat coupling in the industry, fer- mentation gas, sun exposure with thermal and Photovoltaic solar cell coupling or with hydrogen won from solar power or to thermal power with geovoltaic probes alternating voltages supply directly from the depth of the earth and large-dimensioned ADD thermal generators with integrated high cur- rent power inverter can reach far over 200 megawatts rated output with special DC/AC inverters. A HIGH CURRENT INVERTER (HSWR), DC/AC inverters, for thermal generators is conceived large- dimensioned with well-known logic elements of unorthodox design in miniature design for electro- nics plates or as power inverters for extremely high current passage for megawatt power and opens new areas of application in the heavy current technology like the transmission of more pulsating, digitized DC voltage over long distances to transfer. Entrance DC voltage starting from 0.1 V is commutated in the millisecond clock periodically and attained at the exit double value as alterna- ting (Vpp) voltage 0.2 V and less than 0.1% losses with constant or variable frequency to 400 cycles per second and more, with selectable pulse envelopes as one or multi-phase alternating voltage (three-phase alternating current simulator) and is indispensable for the withdrawal of the high current power, which thermopiles could supply. Photovoltaic plant need approx. only .the half number of test specification cells, a considerable cost saving owing to this technology. In the energy field the addition method (ADD) and the new integrable high current inverters are trend-setting technologies, ADD circuit besides offer new applications in the sensor technology with higher sensitivities. Profitable investment plants for the research and development with expanding market potentials are recommendable. RUDOLF ZÖLDE INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES E-03184 Torrevieja, Spain Tel. +34965990317 zoelde@mailde.de Info: www.thermogen.ws24.cc |